Friday, 21 November 2014

Fun With The Solar System

What fun we all had learning the phases of the moon. It sure helps when we get to eat our work afterwards.  The students had worked very hard learning the phases of the moon and they demonstrated their learning by showing the phases using oreo cookies!

Aiden was demonstrating how the Earth's rotation causes day and night.


Our Scientists Hard At Work

We have had a great start to out Scientist Of The Day Program! We have had some fantastic presentations with mind blowing experiments.  

Kyla was our first presenter doing an experiment called Scatter. She made pepper in a bowl of water scatter to all sides of the bowl using dish soap and a toothpick.  Awesome job Kyla! 

Alissa did an amazing job of presenting an experiment called The Spinning Egg Puzzle. We had to figure out which egg was raw and which was cooked solid. So much fun!

Makena did a super job presenting her experiment that used balloons and paper to show the properties of positive and negative charges. Great Job Makena!

Quinn did a great job showing the class how corrugated paper is much stronger than flat paper.  He balanced a bowl of water on the corrugated paper.  Way to go Quinn!

Aiden showed the class an experiment called Dry Paper.  He shoved paper into a cup and submerged it in a bowl of water and magically the paper came out dry.  Ask one of his classmates why!

Rose performed an experiment that had us all enthralled using cold water and hot water with food colouring.  It was beautiful.

Campbell passed his experiment over to his "friend" Mad Max the scientist.  What a show we had. Max pushed pencils through a plastic bag with no leaking!

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Nov. 17- 21

Monday, Nov. 17- Spelling Quiz
-W.I.T.S Assembly

Thursday, Nov. 20- Return Home Reading Book Bags 
-Early Dismissal for Parent Teacher Interviews
**Parent-Teacher Interviews 1-7pm

Friday, Nov. 21- Professional Development Day
*No School for Students

Monday, 10 November 2014

Math Practice Website

We have been building numbers with hundreds, tens, and ones using base ten blocks and pictures.  Today we played a fun Base Ten Bingo game on the Smartboard.  I promised the students that I would send the link home for additional practice. has lots of great games to reinforce math concepts that we are learning at school.

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Nov. 10- Weekly Update

Monday, Nov. 10- Spelling Quiz

                            - Remembrance Day Assembly 1:00

Tuesday, Nov. 11- Remembrance Day

Friday, Nov. 14   - Return Home Reading Book Bags and Reading sheets
                            - Hot Lunch (hot dogs)
                            - Scrap 2 U Show

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Nov. 3 - 7

Weekly Reminders

**Please sign and return agendas every day.

Monday, Nov. 3- Spelling Quiz

Tuesday, Nov. 4 - Photo Retakes

Friday, Nov. 7 - Return Home Reading Book Bags
                        - Hot lunch (SUBWAY)
                        - Book orders due