Tuesday 24 September 2013

Math Games- Patterning and Base Ten

Below are a list of online resources and fun games for kids to reinforce what they are learning in Math. Both grade levels are working on patterns (with varying learning outcomes) and students have been introduced to these activities on the smart board.

*Students identify the core and extend the color patterns of moon rocks.

*Identify and replicate or extend the patterns.

*Identify and replicate or extend the patterns.
*Grade 3 Learning Outcome.

*We spend time each week creating numbers many different ways.  This activity allows students to create numbers using base ten materials and the materials can be manipulated to create the number many ways.
*If you have difficulty with this link, go to the National Library of Virtual Manipulatives, K - 2, and then click on Base Ten Blocks.  Both grade levels would benefit from this practice.  Grade 2s are expected to build numbers to 100 and grade 3s are expected to build numbers to 1000.

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